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Latest Ancient Finds Go on Display in Jerusalem
[Jerusalem Post] Danielle Rothman - The Israel Antiquities Authority will open a new exhibition on Nov. 11 at the Davidson Center and in the Jerusalem Archaeological Garden, just south of the Temple Mount. Many of the artifacts have not previously been shown to the public. The exhibition features a sarcophagus lid inscribed with the words "Ben HaCohen HaGadol" - "Son of the High Priest" - most likely referring to a High Priest who officiated at the Temple between 30 and 70 CE. One display presents Jerusalem as a metropolis during the late Second Temple Period, while another exhibits artifacts from the time of the destruction of the Second Temple. Many of the coins on display date back nearly 2,000 years. Some of the coins, from as far away as Persia and France, testify to Jerusalem's importance as a metropolis for Jews at the time. In accordance with religious law, no human images appear on the Jewish coins.