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Israeli Ambassador Reports from Haiti
(Jerusalem Post) Haviv Rettig Gur - Amos Radian, Israel's ambassador to the neighboring Dominican Republic, arrived in Port-au-Prince on Wednesday and began sending reports back to the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem. Speaking to the Jerusalem Post, he related horrors "the likes of which I have never seen in my life." "There is a strange quiet in the streets. Thousands of people are sitting in the middle of the street afraid to enter the buildings. The city is destroyed. You see corpses lying alongside every street corner. People are wandering aimlessly. It's a very difficult sight, and nobody is there to help. I passed a poor residential area, and you could see that the entire mountainside turned into an avalanche and every last home was destroyed." Passing the collapsed remains of the Montana Hotel, Radian spoke to an American rescue worker who said there was a U.S. diplomat trapped under the rubble who had survived the quake and was sending SMS messages to his family in the U.S. "I didn't notice a single ambulance or rescue crew in many hours of walking." "There is no water, no food, no fuel, and no central government to bring order. The entire law enforcement system has collapsed. Hospitals are in ruins....Local government is nonexistent."