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Turkish-Israeli Relations
(Jerusalem Post) - Editorial Under Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, Ankara's foreign policy is driven by Islamic solidarity. A country that was once directed by Western-oriented secularists is now under the sway of his democratically-elected AKP, a Muslim religious party. Vigorous support for Hamas, Iran and Hizbullah is the order of the day. On Monday, Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon summoned Turkish ambassador to Israel Ahmet Celikkol to protest Turkey's continuing scapegoating of the Jewish state. In an episode of "The Valley of the Wolves," Turkish television portrayed Israeli agents and diplomats as blood-thirsty baby-snatchers who abduct Muslim children in order to convert them to Judaism. "Wolves" and "Separation" before it - IDF soldiers as sociopathic child-killers - are products of the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation which is overseen by Bulent Arinc, a prominent AKP figure. Erdogan seems intent on torpedoing Israel-Turkish ties.