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Nuclear Iran: American Dawdling Allowed the Mullahs to Get the Bomb
(Washington Times) Editorial - Iranian President Ahmadinejad announced last week that Tehran has the capability to produce weapons-grade uranium. There is a reason that highly enriched uranium is called "weapons-grade," and it has nothing to do with peaceful uses of nuclear power. It is a measure of Western impotence that the U.S. went to war with Iraq in 2003 to prevent the very things Iran is announcing with pride in 2010. Had Saddam Hussein made the same claim, the question over weapons of mass destruction would have been settled at once. Discussion swirls around various forms of sanctions: smart sanctions, focused sanctions, effective sanctions, sanctions that bite. However, there is no reason to think that any sanctions regime will dissuade Tehran from its current course of action. The limited courses of action being discussed in Washington are irrelevant. Tehran will pursue its revolutionary interests.