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How Much Time Will the U.S. Waste Trying to Engage Syria?
(New York Daily News) James Kirchick - There is nothing to indicate that Syria will desist in any of its malign behavior, no matter the warmth of Washington's new embrace. Indeed, Syrian President Bashar Assad could not have delivered a more flagrant message of defiance last week with his welcoming Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Damascus where the two dictators met with leaders of Hamas and Hizbullah. For all the Syrian and Iranian blather of Western "domination," "colonization" and "interference," it is these two nations that are the region's true imperialists. Damascus and Tehran fund and outfit the fanatical murder cults Hamas and Hizbullah. Damascus and Tehran have ruined Lebanon, suborning the assassinations of politicians who dare speak out about the nefarious influence these regimes play in the region. Damascus and Tehran have both violated international standards regarding nuclear technology. Washington has tried for years to persuade Iran and Syria to adopt the most basic characteristics of good international citizens, all to no avail. And concomitant attempts to "split" Damascus from Tehran are as fruitless as they are frequent.