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Throwing Israel Under the Bus
(Spectator-UK) Melanie Phillips - By a remarkable coincidence, the UK government has now upped the ante too against its sole "friend" and "ally" in the Middle East, expelling an Israeli diplomat - said to be a Mossad operative - to mark Britain's deep displeasure at the alleged theft by Mossad of the passport identities of a number of British/Israeli citizens in order to kill the Hamas terrorist Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai last January. The word "disproportionate" comes to mind. You might think that the killing of such a vile enemy of humanity would be a cause of some grim satisfaction in the desperate struggle underway to defend life, liberty and justice against those who would destroy them. But no, Britain punishes those who are in the front line of such a defense, while allowing a free pass to those who work for the destruction of Britain, Israel and the free world. To throw out a diplomat, after a series of consistently hostile acts against Israel by the British government - taking the side of Hamas over Israel's self-defense in Gaza, enforcing an embargo on spare parts to Israel, inciting a boycott of Israeli goods from the disputed territories, refusing to vote against the grotesque Goldstone report - suggests a consistent strategy of throwing Israel under the bus. The systematic delegitimization of Israel has done its infernal work all too well in softening up the public for the final annihilation of those who only want to be allowed to live in peace in their historic homeland. As the lynching of Israel proceeds, who in the American and British political establishments will have the integrity and courage to stand up and say, "Not in my name"?