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Barak: Connection with U.S. the Foundation of Israel's Security
(Ynet News) Hanan Greenberg - "The connection between us and the U.S. is strong and remains the foundation of Israel's security," Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Sunday. "We are the only ones responsible for our fate and the future of the State of Israel," he said. "We alone will decide on fateful issues, but we must never lose eye contact or the ability to act in harmony with the U.S., in coordination and with understanding, as long as this does not harm our vital interests." "The U.S. administration led by President Obama gives extensive support to Israel's security," he added. "The U.S. is the source of Israel's superiority in advanced weaponry, of financial aid of some $3 billion each year, and of spare parts that the IDF relies on." "Even when there is disagreement between friends, we must remember that America is Israel's friend. We turn to the U.S. when there is a Goldstone Report, we turn to the U.S. when intervention is required in the UN Security Council, and it is from the U.S. that we received support during every crisis in which Israel found itself." Barak also called on the Americans and the Palestinians to leave the issue of Jerusalem and the construction of settlements for direct talks.