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UK's Move Against Israel Fits Trend of Appeasing Islam
(Jerusalem Post) Zvi Mazel - Like the U.S., England sends its secret service people to search out and kill terrorists wherever they are - from Ireland to Gibraltar to Afghanistan. Of course, they have their pick of Commonwealth passports. But let a master terrorist, a man who has killed, a man who has been masterminding the steady flow of arms into Gaza, die in suspicious circumstances and all fingers are pointed at Israel. By expelling an Israeli diplomat, the UK would show the world that it would not let an alleged misuse of its passports go unpunished - a move against Israel that fits perfectly in the current European trend of appeasing Islam. Far more innocent civilians have been killed by allied troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere than in Gaza, but no one is suggesting another Goldstone Report. While Israeli officers and officials are threatened with arrest if they set foot on British soil, no allied soldier or official faces a similar fate. Would someone explain why? As an Italian politician told me recently: "Europe has it too good. It has no wish to really fight terror and halt the Islamic wave threatening to engulf it. You are on your own, my friend." The writer is a former ambassador to Romania, Egypt and Sweden and a fellow of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.