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The Terrorist Threat from Gaza: Response to the Goldstone Report
(Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center) The Goldstone report does not deal with the nature of Hamas, particularly its terrorist aspects. It does not deal with Hamas' ideology and its record as the terrorist organization which led suicide bombing terrorism against Israel and fired rockets at its civilians over a period of many years. The report adopts Hamas' false claim that there is no connection between "the Gaza authorities" and Hamas' military-terrorist wing. The facts unequivocally prove that Hamas is one integral system. The report minimizes the extent and gravity of the terrorist activity carried out against Israel from Gaza and does not assign responsibility for it to Hamas. The report does define rocket fire targeting the Israeli civilian population as a war crime. However, the report does not assign responsibility for the war crime to Hamas or any other terrorist organization operating in Gaza. Thus, the war crime has no address and no organization is held accountable for it. The report does not deal with Hamas' military buildup in Gaza during 2007-2008, which created a significant threat to Israel and was a gross violation of the Oslo accords between the Palestinians and Israel (the Oslo accords allowed the Palestinian Authority to hold weapons only for the purposes of policing and security). It ignores the smuggling into Gaza of an unprecedented quantity of advanced weapons and raw materials for the manufacture of weapons; intensive training in Gaza, Iran and Syria; and the manufacture of large quantities of rockets and IEDs. It also ignores the extensive efforts made to prepare residential areas for fighting, part of its combat doctrine of using civilians as human shields. The report completely ignores the massive amounts of aid Iran as well as Hizbullah and Syria gave Hamas to construct its military-terrorist infrastructure.