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The Palestinians' Dirty War
(Hudson Institute-New York) Khaled Abu Toameh - Were it not for Israel's presence between the West Bank and Gaza, Fatah and Hamas would most likely be dispatching suicide bombers and rockets at each other. The fight between Hamas and Fatah is not a power struggle between good guys and bad guys: it is a rivalry between bad guys and bad guys. Fatah leaders hate Hamas to a point where they are even prepared to ally themselves with the "Israeli enemy" to overthrow Hamas. During Israel's military operation in Gaza, Fatah officials provided Israel with valuable intelligence that resulted in the killing of many Hamas operatives. The only way to make progress towards peace is by insisting that the Palestinians first get their act together. What is the point in signing any agreement with Mahmoud Abbas or Salam Fayyad when we all know that the two men have no control over Gaza? And who said that Abbas or Fayyad, who are regarded by a large number of Palestinians as "puppets" in the hands of the Israelis and Americans, would ever be able to sell a peace deal with Israel to a majority of Arabs and Muslims? It is hard to see how the "peace process" could ever move forward when the Palestinians are too busy fighting each other.