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Syria Accused of Arming Hizbullah from Secret Bases
(Times-UK) Richard Beeston - Hizbullah is running weapons, including surface-to-surface missiles, from secret arms depots in Syria to its bases in Lebanon, according to security sources. The Times has been shown satellite images of one of the sites near Adra, northeast of Damascus. "Hizbullah is allowed to operate this site freely," said a security source. Israel reportedly planned recently to bomb one of the arms convoys as it crossed the border into Lebanon, but the operation was called off at the last minute. Western intelligence sources say that the Israelis have yielded - for now - to American diplomatic efforts to persuade Syria to stop the arms transfers. Yossi Baidatz, an Israeli intelligence officer, told the Knesset this month that the amount of arms being sent to Hizbullah by Syria and Iran could no longer be described as "smuggling." He said it was an "organized and official transfer" of weapons. Western officials privately say that Syrian leader Bashar Assad is "flat out lying" about the arms transfers.