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Experts: Ofek 9 Will Detect Iranian Activity
(Ynet News) Aviel Magnezi - After the launch of the new Ofek 9 spy satellite, the chairman of the Israel Space Agency, Isaac Ben-Israel, said Wednesday: "With Ofek 9, Israel now has about 6 satellites working in a joint system....One of them completes a round every 90 minutes." "A country will not be able to conduct any secret operations in the Middle East without the area being covered by one of our satellites, as there are no longer such moments. Iran won't be able to transfer different materials without us noticing," he explained. "Ofek 9 has a radar camera which can see beyond clouds," he added. "There are seven independent countries in space, and in terms of quality and technology only the United States comes before Israel," he said. Tal Inbar, head of the Space Research Center at the Fisher Institute for Air and Space Strategic Studies, said, "Ofek 9 was built in Israel and all of its components were made in Israel."