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Disarming Hizballah Is Key to Lebanon's Peace
[Christian Science Monitor] John Hughes - Think if a renegade group had a base in New Jersey and could hit Manhattan with 100 rockets a day nonstop for three months. Or a similar group across the Potomac could do the same to downtown Washington. Hizballah is the provocateur that launched this war. The ideal shape of a solution beyond a cease-fire is in the language of UN Resolution 1559 that requires that Hizballah be disarmed. International diplomats seem to be leaning toward some multinational force, but what will be their mission? If it is simply to attempt to keep the peace in a region where there is no peace, then the mission is pointless. If it is to fulfill UN Resolution 1559 requiring the disarming of Hizballah, are they to do it themselves, or in concert with Lebanon's own rather ineffective army? What degree of force will be needed? And what will be the stance of Syria and Iran, Hizballah's mentors? Will they stand idly by on the sidelines?