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Lessons of Hate at Islamic Schools in Britain
(New York Times) John F. Burns - A British network of more than 40 part-time Islamic schools and clubs with 5,000 students has been teaching from a Saudi Arabian government curriculum that contains anti-Semitic and homophobic views, including a textbook that asks children to list the "reprehensible" qualities of Jews, according to a BBC documentary broadcast on Monday. The Saudi government-supplied textbook says that Jews "looked like monkeys and pigs," and that Zionists set out to achieve "world domination." One of the textbooks prescribed execution as the penalty for gay sex, and outlined differing viewpoints as to whether death should be by stoning, immolation by fire or throwing offenders off a cliff. Another set out the punishments prescribed by Shariah law for theft, including amputation of hands and feet. A BBC video showed a textbook illustration of a hand and a foot marked to show where amputations should be made.