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Hamas in the New York Times
[Counterterrorism Blog] Steven Emerson - Last Wednesday, the New York Times ran an op-ed by Ahmed Yousef, titled "Pause for Peace," in which Yousef calls for a hudna (which he describes as a "long term truce") between Israel and the Palestinians. In 1998, while serving as the executive director of the United Association for Studies and Research (UASR), Yousef gave an interview to the Middle East Quarterly in which he defended Hamas, suicide bombings, and encouraged attacks on Jews. Asked if he wrote, "God has promised that the Muslims will fight the Jews and defeat them," Yousef answered that he did. In his op-ed, Yousef misrepresents the concept of the hudna, and specifically the Hamas position on any "truce" with Israel. In fact, Yousef's boss, Hamas political chief Khaled Meshal, has referred to the hudna as simply a "rest for the warrior."