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Meeting Abbas
(Jerusalem Post) Editorial - Just because Abbas talks a better game than Hamas when it comes to claiming a desire for a negotiated settlement, he should not be elevated to savior status where Israel or the world is concerned. His record as leader of the PA before Hamas swept into power hardly inspires confidence. Any minimal list of PA requirements would include a determined and effective campaign to disarm all terror organizations; giving up the "right of return" of Palestinian refugees to Israel; cessation of the demonization of Israel and Israelis in Palestinian media and mosques; and development of an educational program which would promote all of these moves as good for the Palestinians' own national aspirations. When holding on to all the reins and means of power, Abbas took little or no action in any of these areas. Israel's strategic goal since Hamas' election win has been to force it to change its extremist stripes or to impede its ability to govern and thereby hasten its downfall. Israel has successfully convinced significant elements of the international community to follow suit based on first principles: A regime which sustains and justifies terrorism should be isolated. Talks with the chairman of the PA could break this policy by giving the PA as a whole international credibility.