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Judge Goldstone's Turnabout - What Next?
(Jerusalem Post) Alan Baker - Is it possible to have the Goldstone Report revoked, and thereby place the genie back in the bottle? While the infamous "Zionism=racism" resolution adopted by the General Assembly in November 1975 was, in fact, never revoked, because there is no mechanism for revoking UN resolutions, its content was emptied of all substance by a further resolution in 1991. This should be the way to proceed to revoke the dangerous content of the Goldstone Report. If Goldstone sincerely regrets his report and the damage it has caused, the only way to minimize such damage would be to formally address his message to the secretary-general and to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. This would involve an appearance before the Human Rights Council which commissioned and mandated his report, and before the General Assembly, which endorsed it. Both bodies would then have to adopt resolutions revoking the content of their earlier resolutions, made on the strength of Goldstone's conclusions. The writer, a former legal adviser to the Israel Foreign Ministry and Israeli ambassador to Canada, is director of the Institute for Contemporary Affairs at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.