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Poll: Palestinian Support for Military Attacks on Israel Dropped after Gaza War
(Ha'aretz) According to a poll by the Ramallah-based Jerusalem Media & Communication Center (JMCC), since the Gaza war the percentage of Palestinians who oppose "military operations" against Israel rose from 38.1% in January 2009 to 51.8% in April 2011. 45.5% in Gaza supported military operations against Israel, compared with 32% in the West Bank. The percentage of Palestinians who believe rockets and mortars launched from Gaza against Israeli communities are useful in achieving national goals fell from 50.8% in January 2009 to 25.4% in April 2011. Palestinian support for bombing or suicide attacks against Israel decreased from 55.4% in January 2009 to 37.3% this April. 57.3% in Gaza supported bombing Israeli civilian targets, compared with 25.3% in the West Bank.