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Unbridled Mullahocracy
(Washington Times) Arnaud de Borchgrave - The EU's big three recently persuaded President Bush to let them offer bigger carrots in their negotiations to coax Iran to abandon its nuclear ambitions. The ayatollahs and mullahs clearly don't like U.S. carrots. Iran's supreme leader, Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said "Death to America" should now be read or spoken before any chapter of the Koran, "so the believer will never forget, even for a moment, the presence of Satan." According to Iran's minister for intelligence (the spying kind, not IQ), Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice "is the queen of violence and war....She herself is a terrorist." Not to be outdone, President Mohammed Khatami - the head of a so-called "moderate faction - chimed in with an "America is the root of worldwide terror" speech. The regime has been working secretly on producing nuclear weapons for the past 18 years.