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Israel Rejects Putin's Plan to Aid PA Security Forces
(Ha'aretz) Russian President Putin is to meet Prime Minister Sharon on Thursday. Israel (and America) have rejected Putin's proposal made in Cairo for an international conference on the Middle East this fall, and Israel objects to his plans to sell armored troop carriers to the PA and anti-aircraft missiles to Syria. An Israeli government source said Wednesday that Israel would not allow the troop carriers into the country. "First let's see some steps toward peace and then it will be possible to strengthen the Palestinian security forces, which are meanwhile taking part in fighting against us," the source said. Despite these differences, Sharon and Putin will be able to reach understandings on the fight against anti-Semitism, cooperation in the war against terror, a natural gas purchase Israel is considering, space research, and commerce and investments. Putin's itinerary is to include a meeting with World War II Red Army veterans living in Israel.