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Lebanese Seek Disarmed Hizballah
(Washington Times) Joshua Mitnick - Syria's withdrawal from Lebanon in compliance with a UN Security Council resolution has led to growing support for the second part of the resolution - a demand that the Hizballah militia give up its arms. With parliamentary elections to begin this weekend, both politicians and citizens are questioning whether Hizballah should be left with the sole responsibility for "resistance" against Israel. "We can't let Hizballah decide alone whether there will be peace or war in Lebanon. They have to consult with the other Lebanese factions," said Massoud Ashkar, 47, a Christian businessman. According to Michel Lourna, a columnist for Lebanon's French-language daily Louraine Du Jour, most of the political parties that oppose continued Syrian influence in Lebanon also support forcing Hizballah to give up their weapons. If a coalition of anti-Syrian parties wrests control of parliament from the pro-Syrian loyalists that dominate the present government, the issue of Hizballah disarmament is likely to become a priority for the new government.