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Mahmoud Abbas' Formula for War
(Washington Post) Jackson Diehl - Desperate to jump-start an Israeli-Palestinian peace process, the Obama administration and its European allies are piling pressure on Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu, demanding that he offer a plan, concessions - something - that will provide the basis for starting negotiations with Palestinians. Yet the leader of the Palestinian "moderate" branch, Mahmoud Abbas, is not only refusing to make any concessions of his own but is also turning his back on American diplomacy - and methodically setting the stage for another Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Two weeks ago, Abbas blew up four years of U.S.-sponsored institution-building, relative peace and growing prosperity in the West Bank by signing a "reconciliation" agreement with Hamas - a deal that probably will obligate him to fire his progressive prime minister, release scores of jailed Hamas militants and bond his security forces with Hamas' Iranian-equipped army. On Tuesday, he published an op-ed in the New York Times in which he committed himself to seeking a UN General Assembly vote on Palestinian statehood in September. Yet Obama persists in telling Jewish leaders and members of Congress that "Abbas is ready to make peace." The record of the past several years suggests something very different. In 2008, Abbas refused to accept a far-reaching peace offer from Netanyahu's predecessor, Ehud Olmert, even as a basis for discussion; nor would he make a counteroffer. For two years he has stoutly resisted peace talks with Netanyahu, even while conceding that the nominal reason for his intransigence - Israel's refusal to freeze settlements - was forced on him by Obama.