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President of Israel to Gaza Evacuees: I'm Sorry
Shani Mizrachi (Ynet News) - In a special address to the nation Wednesday, President Moshe Katsav turned to Gaza and northern West Bank would-be evacuees and apologized for removing them from their homes: * On behalf of the State of Israel, I ask you, the settlers, for forgiveness, over the demand that you leave after dozens of years of construction and victims. * We know your settling in the territories was an act of conscience that was also carried out in accordance with Israeli government decisions. You have established thriving settlements and raised generations of children and youth who glorify Israel. * We are in awe of how you have heroically faced the dangers - the thousands of bombs, Kassam rockets, and terror attacks. You have risked your families' and your own lives for the ideal and faith, and you have known pain and bereavement. * After a year of hard-fought battles and intense deliberations - the time has come. You must respect the authorities' decisions. * You must save your strength for the battles that are awaiting us. Even those who support the pullout realize the real fight is over the eastern border.