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When Is Israel's Turn?
(Ha'aretz) Ze'ev Schiff - * In the past, it was claimed that Pakistan would be the source of the "Islamic atom bomb." French experts say that the Islamic element was not the determining factor for Pakistan in selling the nuclear know-how, but rather the money. The evidence for this is the deal with North Korea, which, in return, gave Pakistan know-how for developing surface-to-surface missiles. * The steps that have been taken by Iran and Libya following the war in Iraq derived from the sense of threat they felt when their lies were uncovered. The lies that have been exposed demonstrate that an extra measure of caution, close supervision, and invasive inspection are needed in countries that have been involved in deception. * The lesson for Israel is that it cannot see the promises of the International Atomic Energy Agency as an insurance policy. * It is impossible to get to the roots of the threats without the existence of a peace agreement between the sides. Yitzhak Rabin said that Israel would be prepared to discuss becoming a party to the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons two years after it signs peace treaties with the Arab countries and Iran.