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Iranian Intelligence: "We Know Where You Live"
[New Statesman-UK] Maziar Bahari - Mohammadi is the nickname of choice for the agents of Iran's ministry of intelligence - the country's equivalent of the CIA. While on assignment for Newsweek magazine, I met three Mr. Mohammadis in four days. Mr. Mohammadi is responsible for the security of Iran. That includes protecting the values of its government. It's a tough job. The values change so often that the officials who put former colleagues on trial today are careful not to be incarcerated by the same people tomorrow. These days, Mr. Mohammadi's main concern is that the American fifth column, disguised as civil rights activists, scholars and journalists, is destabilizing the Islamic Republic. Throughout its history, the Islamic Republic has looked for foreign enemies and has usually found them in abundance. Yet on many occasions it has undermined its own legitimacy by linking genuine domestic opposition to its foreign enemies.