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Sharon: It Would be a Mistake to Rescue Assad from World Pressure
(Ha'aretz) Gideon Alon - Addressing the issue of Syria, Prime Minister Sharon told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Monday: * "I hope it is clear to everyone that negotiations with Syria that start from where they left off means giving up the Golan Heights." * Syrian President Bashar Assad "can prove the seriousness of his intentions by responding positively to the world's demand to cease his support for global and regional terror and end his support for the terror organizations and then we will be happy to negotiate with him on every issue without any preconditions." * Palestinian terror gets its orders from Damascus, and Hizballah and Iranian Revolutionary Guards activity in Lebanon is all with Syrian permission. "Assad is on the list of those most responsible for the spread of international terror." * The Western world is closing in on Assad, pressuring him, and it would be a mistake to rescue him, Sharon said. "We're interested in peace with Syria, but not in exchange for lip service meant to relieve Syria of the pressure it faces."