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Islamic Radicalism: A Cleric-Driven Phenomenon
(Washington Times) Robert Spencer - Adi Suryana, an Islamic teacher in Indonesia, has been arrested for planning to bomb the headquarters of the national police and the Jakarta police headquarters. In Syria, investigators have discovered that an Islamic cleric known only as Fouad is referred to by radical Muslims as the "gatekeeper" to Iraq, and coordinates suicide attacks there that are carried out by Muslims recruited in Europe. Scotland Yard last week warned the Jewish community in Britain that the terror threat "remained high" because Mohammed al-Garbuzi, a Moroccan imam linked to last May's bombings in Casablanca, is apparently on the loose in Britain. And in Norway, Mullah Krekar, a Muslim cleric from Iraq identified on Al Jazeera TV as the leader of the Iraqi radical Muslim group Ansar al-Islam, was recently arrested. All around the world, evidence mounts that Islamic radicalism is a cleric-driven phenomenon.