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Israel's Hostile Neighborhood
(Washington Post) Richard Cohen - The Israeli-Egyptian peace is in jeopardy, and so is the cordial rapport Israel once had with Turkey. Israel's dilemma is that the Middle East, for all the talk of revolution, is slipping backward. Turkey is possibly evolving into an Islamic republic and even if this is not the case, it is reasserting its historical role as a regional power. Egypt, long the leader of the Arab world, may find it cannot lead its own people. The peace with Israel has little support among the populace. It's not just that Israel is not loved, it's that Jews are hated. Egyptian society, indeed the entire Arab world, has been drenched by a steady drizzle of government-approved or -tolerated anti-Semitism. There are almost no Jews left in Egypt, but there are plenty of Jews just over the border in Israel. The Obama administration has to show no daylight between it and Israel.