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Palestinian Poll: 72 Percent See No Solution to the Conflict
(An-Najah University-PA-IMRA) A Palestinian poll conducted on Oct. 13-15 by the Center for Opinion Polls and Survey Studies at An-Najah University in Nablus asked: Do you think that the Palestinian state can only be established through negotiations? Yes 30%, No 64%. Do you think it is possible to reach a lasting solution for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in view of the current circumstances? Yes 23%, No 72%. Do you expect an eruption of a third intifada in the Palestinian territories? Yes 57%, No 35%. Do you support or reject an armed uprising? West Bank: Support 28%, Reject 68%; Gaza: Support 50%, Reject 40%. Which political affiliation do you support? West Bank: Fatah 37%, Hamas 7%, None of the above 40%; Gaza: Fatah 37%, Hamas 15%, None of the above 22%.