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NPR'S Anti-Israel Bias
(Jerusalem Post) Daniel Doron - A recent example of National Public Radio's bias is its seven-part report on the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict, "The Mideast: A Century of Conflict." The carefully selected experts include eight harsh critics of Israel - four Arab radicals, such as the late Edward Said, plus four extreme left-wing Israelis. To create an appearance of even-handedness, the panel also includes one American, a former pro-Arab official from the State Department, and three Jews sympathetic to Israel. Zionism is condemned as a mere by-product of European imperialist nationalism, lacking any valid historical claim to the Holy Land. The program also hides the fact that not only the Jewish national home was sanctioned by the League of Nations but that every Arab state came into being the same way. In the post-WWI peace conference, the European victors and America reapportioned the Middle East territories of the disintegrated Ottoman Empire, crafting a deal whereby the Arabs were to be granted 99% of former Ottoman lands while 1% of the territories would be returned to the Jews. Even this tiny territory was later partitioned, with more than 70% given to an Arab Kingdom of Jordan.