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Muslim Brotherhood Criticized for Being "Soft" on Israel
(Bloomberg) Nicholas Noe and Walid Raad - Preserving the 33-year-old Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty is of paramount interest to the U.S., whereas the Muslim Brotherhood is cool on the subject of the Jewish state next door. As for the treaty itself, the group has remained vague. Increasingly, the Brotherhood is coming in for criticism for selling out. In an editorial, Al-Quds al-Arabi wrote that the group's vagueness on Israel "was intentional to reassure the U.S. and other foreign powers." The paper said the Brotherhood "must end this stage of ambiguity and head toward clarity vis-a-vis Egyptian-Israeli relations." Its current position is "very far from the principles of the movement." The Brothers "should not reassure the Americans and the Israelis but rather increase their concerns."