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Turning India Into a Conflict Zone
(Times of India) B. Raman - The terrorist attack with a magnetized improvised explosive device (IED) on an Israeli diplomatic vehicle in New Delhi on February 13 was well planned and well executed. The fact that all preparatory activities went unnoticed and undetected by the Indian agencies would indicate that Iran already has a strong intelligence presence in Indian territory - in the form of intelligence officers working undercover, sleeper cells in the Indian Shia community and among the large numbers of Iranians studying in India. Detecting and neutralizing the Iranian network in India is going to be a difficult task. Till now, the focus of our agencies has been on detecting and neutralizing the pro-Pakistan networks, which operated mainly through sympathizers in the Sunni community. If the Iranian hand is finally established, Indian intelligence agencies will have to pay greater attention and devote greater resources for coverage of Iranian intelligence activities, as well as its links with Hizbullah and the Iranian student community in India. We should make it clear to Iran that any use of Indian territory for terrorism against Israel could affect bilateral relations. The writer is former additional secretary, cabinet secretariat, government of India.