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Palestinian Television Still Glorifies Terror Attacks Against Israel
(Ha'aretz) Avi Issacharoff - Palestinian television on Oct. 25 featured a "field report" from Tulkarem in order to relate the wonders of the master terrorist Abbas a-Said, who is jailed in Israel and was sentenced to 35 life sentences. The former head of the military wing of Hamas in the town, a-Said was responsible for the suicide bombing of a Passover Seder in the Park Hotel in Netanya in 2002. The PA TV reporter did not spare the superlatives: "We are outside the home of the warrior hero, the commander, the lion of the prison, Abbas a-Said." Nan Jacques Zilberdik, an analyst at Palestinian Media Watch, explains that on Palestinian TV "there is no message of peace with Israel....There's no education toward peace." "The new Palestinian generation, who watches Palestinian television, does not hear that Tel Aviv or Ashkelon are Israeli cities. It hears about occupied cities that must be liberated."