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Iranian Complicity in 9/11?
(Washington Times) Adm. James A. Lyons - On Dec. 22, 2011, U.S. District Judge George B. Daniels in New York ruled that Iran and Hizbullah provided both material and direct support to al-Qaeda in the Sept. 11 attacks against the U.S. Part of the convincing evidence was provided by three Iranian defectors from Iran's intelligence agency, the Ministry of Information and Security, and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. One of the defectors, Abolghasem Mesbahi, formerly in charge of Iran's espionage operations in Western Europe, testified that he was part of a task force that designed contingency plans for unconventional warfare against the U.S. that included crashing hijacked airliners into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and the White House. During the summer of 2001, Mesbahi stated that he received three coded messages indicating that the plan had been activated. Mesbahi also testified that, in 2000, Iran used front companies to obtain a Boeing flight simulator for training the Sept. 11 hijackers. Evidence from the 9/11 Commission Report shows that Hizbullah terror chief Imad Mughniyah coordinated activities of the hijackers in Saudi Arabia, where they were provided passports with special markings so that they could proceed to and through Iran without having their passports stamped en route to Afghanistan. The writer was commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and senior U.S. military representative to the UN.