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Clueless in Gaza
(Telegraph-UK) Editorial - Israel's impending evacuation has made the people of Gaza think seriously about how they wish to be governed. And it is clear that they are less than enthusiastic about Yasser Arafat, whose appointment of his cousin, Musa Arafat, was the proximate cause of the discontent. By any measure, he has failed to deliver good governance to his people. Four years ago, at Camp David, he was offered sovereignty over the whole of Gaza, almost all the West Bank, and much of Jerusalem. He rejected the proposal, and instead launched a second Palestinian uprising. This has brought death and suffering to Israel; but for Palestinians, it has been a catastrophe, leading to violence, privation, border closures, and a collapse of living standards - to say nothing of dictatorial government. It is becoming increasingly clear that, as long as Arafat retains his baleful influence, no solution is possible. Israel has done everything it can to marginalize the old warhorse, short of assassination or forced exile. Now, perhaps, the Palestinians will succeed where the Israelis have failed, and sideline the man who has proved the single greatest obstacle to peace.