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WikiLeaks: Thousands of IRGC and Lebanese Hizbullah Fighting in Syria in Support of Assad
(CNN) WikiLeaks revealed in new documents that during last June thousands of Iran's Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and Lebanese Hizbullah members were fighting in Syria in support of Assad's regime. In a letter leaked from the "Four Stars for Strategic Information and Analysis" center, Iranian armed individuals and Hizbullah militants are said to have implemented prompt execution warrants against Syrian soldiers who had refused to shoot at demonstrators. A source inside Hizbullah is quoted as saying that there are 3,000 members of IRGC, 2,000 Hizbullah men and 300 from the Shiite Amal Movement in Syria. The source adds that 42 members of IRGC and 27 from Hizbullah were killed in Syria. Syrian airplanes transfer Iran's casualties to Tehran and lots of vehicles transfer Hizbullah casualties to Lebanon.