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Report: PA Official Commits Suicide over Collaboration Charge
(Jerusalem Post-AFP) Khaled Abu Toameh - A senior Palestinian Authority official, Osama Hussein Mansour, 49, who was arrested three weeks ago for collaboration with Israel, fell to his death from the third floor of the PA's Military Intelligence headquarters in Ramallah on Sunday. A PA security source said Mansour had been in charge of a department created by the PA to prevent Palestinians from selling land to Israelis. "We discovered that the man who was responsible for thwarting such land deals was himself involved in such transactions." PA law bans Palestinians from conducting real estate deals with Israelis - a crime punishable by death. Mansour's brother Hassan said the family held the PA responsible for the death. "The family visited him on Friday and he was in good psychological condition with no indication that he was in any sort of state to commit suicide, so we demand an autopsy to find out who killed my brother."