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Egypt is No Friend
(Jerusalem Post) Yosef Goell- The 1979 treaty with Egypt was not peace but an armistice. The sad truth is that Egyptian popular hatred for Israel, popular anti-Semitism, and lately, virulent anti-Americanism are much worse today than they were 25 years ago. True, there has been no shooting war between us for 25 years, but Egypt knows how to play the game of not inviting a major war, which it truly does not want, while hurting Israel as much as possible on the international scene and making it bleed by proxy in Gaza and on its own buses and streets. We should take a leaf out of Egypt's game plan and drive home the truth that hostility will engender hostility, and not groveling. The best place to press would be in the U.S., by supporting Congressman Tom Lantos' bill that would slash U.S. military aid to Egypt by $500 million a year, transferring that sum to economic aid. Why, after all, do the Egyptians need that annual military infusion if not as part of their long-term military plans against Israel?