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Does Iran Have an "Inalienable Right" to Enrich Uranium?
(Institute for National Security Studies-Tel Aviv University) Emily B. Landau - The Iranian media reiterate Iran's "inalienable right" to enrich uranium according to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Yet since 2006, Iran's claim is actually negated by the six resolutions passed by the UN Security Council instructing Iran to suspend enrichment-related activities, which Iran has blatantly violated. These Security Council resolutions "trump" any privilege provided by the NPT. The demand that Iran suspend uranium enrichment is currently a legally binding demand. The right of Iran to pursue nuclear energy, including uranium enrichment activities, is not absolute. According to the NPT, this right is explicitly conditional upon upholding Articles I and II of the treaty, including the stipulation that states not manufacture nuclear weapons. In other words, if a state engages in weapons-related activities, the right no longer holds.