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Accomplices in a Campaign to Annihilate a UN Member
(Jerusalem Post) Shlomo Slonim - For Abbas, the diplomatic route is simply a case of war by other means. It is a two-step strategy: The first target is Israel's presence in the territories that came under Israeli rule in 1967 and whose final status and borders are legally still to be determined. Once a Palestinian state with pre-1967 borders - including part of Jerusalem - is endorsed by international bodies dominated by automatic majorities, Israel's presence in the territories is further delegitimized and its self-defensive measures can be discredited. Israel could then be charged with occupying the territory of a foreign state. Abbas' goal is not to create a Palestinian state living peacefully side by side with Israel, but to replace Israel. Any state supporting the Palestinian application in the General Assembly before a peace settlement has been attained between the parties violates the principles of the UN Charter and, wittingly or not, effectively supports a genocidal design for the destruction of a member state. The writer is a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.