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Israel, the U.S., and the Age of Terror
(New York Times)Roger Cohen - Throughout its first term, the Bush administration held that the road to Jerusalem passed through Baghdad. Has the time not come for the administration to adjust its approach to Israel and put peace in Jerusalem first? But the arguments against a change of policy remain vigorous. "It's fantasy land to think some change in Middle East policy would have an effect on the terrorists," said Max Boot, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. "For years, you had Bill Clinton focusing like a laser on an Israeli-Palestinian settlement, and did that discourage bin Laden from plotting to destroy us? These people want Israel eradicated, so there's no way you can accommodate them." Mr. Bush may feel a personal inclination to respond to Prime Minister Tony Blair's insistence, in a congratulatory message after the election, that Israeli-Palestinian peace is "the single most pressing challenge in our world today." But Mr. Bush's own political landscape - complete with Israel-loving Christian evangelicals and Jews who voted for him in Florida - is very different from that of his British ally.