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Morsi and the General
(Wall Street Journal Europe) Daniel Nisman - In August 2012, after a devastating militant attack on Egyptian troops in the Sinai Peninsula, a newly-elected President Mohammed Morsi seized the opportunity to fire Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi and a number of other generals following 17 months of incompetent military rule over post-revolution Egypt. But now, six months later, the generals of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) have returned to challenge an increasingly loathed President Morsi - quite possibly laying the groundwork to bring Egypt back under military rule. On Feb. 20, the Egyptian press reported that the SCAF had been holding meetings behind closed doors in the president's absence on matters relating to security and stability. Since then, Egyptian media has been awash with rumors over a possible scheme by the president to sack Gen. Abdel Fattah El Sissi, whom Morsi chose to replace Field Marshal Tantawi.