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Netanyahu: Iran Is Running Out the Clock in Negotiations with the West
(Israel Prime Minister's Office) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington on March 4: Time after time, the world's leading powers have tabled diplomatic proposals to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue peacefully. But diplomacy has not worked. Iran ignores all these offers. It is running out the clock. We have to stop its nuclear enrichment program before it's too late. Words alone will not stop Iran; sanctions alone will not stop Iran. Sanctions must be coupled with a clear and credible military threat if diplomacy and sanctions fail. Syria has chemical weapons, anti-aircraft weapons, and many other of the world's most deadly and sophisticated arms. As the Syrian regime collapses, the danger of these weapons falling into the hands of terrorist groups committed to Israel's destruction is very real. This is why we have a common interest in preventing them from obtaining these deadly weapons. Israel seeks a peace with our Palestinian neighbors - a peace that will end our conflict once and for all. That peace must be grounded in reality; and it must be grounded in security. Israel withdrew from Lebanon; we withdrew from Gaza; we gave up territory. We got terror. We cannot allow that to happen a third time. A realistic path forward has to be a measured, step-by-step process in which we work to advance to a verifiable, durable and defensible peace. It has to be defensible because, in the Middle East, a peace you cannot defend will not hold for five minutes. And we have to make sure that our neighbors are actually telling their people and educating their children to live in peace.