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Settlements Not Illegal under International Law
(Washington Times) Eric Rozenman - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon erroneously has asserted, for the fourth time in two years, that "all [Israeli] settlement activity in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, is illegal under international law." Article 6 of the League of Nations' 1922 Palestine Mandate encouraged "close Jewish settlement" on the land west of the Jordan River. The 1945 UN Charter, Chapter XII, Article 80, continues Jewish rights recognized under the Mandate. Furthermore, UN Security Council resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973) do not call for Israeli withdrawal from all the West Bank. So Jews building communities west of the Jordan River do so in accord with relevant international laws. The writer is Washington, D.C., director for Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA).