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Two Failed States
[Guardian-UK] Emanuele Ottolenghi - It now looks as though there will be a one-state solution after all - Israel, alongside two failed states, both Palestinian, and fighting each other. The persistent refusal of the Palestinian Authority, first under Arafat, then under Abbas, to disarm all militias and dismantle all terror networks yielded the outcome all predicted. Hamas' takeover in Gaza has created a small Islamic state on the shores of the Mediterranean, next door to Israel and to Egypt. Helped by Iran and Syria, Hamas has now opened a southern front in their war against Israel, but in the process, it has made Palestine as a state even less viable than before. Now, Hamastan needs to conquer the West Bank to make itself the credible and legitimate champion of the Palestinian struggle. Meanwhile, Fatahland will try to regain its lost territory of Gaza before it can even begin to negotiate credibly with Israel. An endless war will further contribute to Palestine's demise.