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Israel Files Complaint Against UNRWA Lebanon Director
(Times of Israel) Aaron Kalman - Israeli Ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor filed a complaint Tuesday with UN Sec.-Gen. Ban Ki-Moon against Ann Dismorr, the director of the UN's Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon. At the launch of German-funded projects in Lebanon earlier this month, the director posed with a map in which Israel did not exist and the entire area from Jordan to the sea was titled "Arab Palestine." "You don't need to have a PhD in geography to understand that a map of the Middle East that omits any mention of the State of Israel is a scandal," Prosor wrote. "It cannot be that an international organization like UNRWA, which is supposed to remain neutral, is party to a provocation that tries to erase Israel from the map." This is "further proof that certain UN representatives take an active side in the conflict and encourage provocations that deepen ignorance and hate."