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Dahlan and the CIA Plan
(Jerusalem Post) - Uri Dan Muhammad Dahlan, Mahmoud Abbas's security chief, made American diplomats a commitment that he would begin dismantling the terrorist organizations in accordance with the Tenet plan. CIA Director George Tenet presented his plan back in June 2001, under which the PA would collect illegal weapons, arrest suspected terrorists, and thwart terrorist operations. In August 2001, Israel's security services supplied Arafat with information about a wanted terrorist about to perpetrate a suicide attack. Despite the warning it received and despite its commitment, the PA did nothing to prevent the attack. The result was the murder of 15 innocent people in the Sbarro pizzeria in the heart of Jerusalem. In the recent terrorist attacks in Judea and Samaria, PA members came up with a new story: that Iran and Hizballah were pressuring the El-Aksa battalions into carrying out terrorist attacks in contravention of the hudna. In this way Abu Mazen and Dahlan hope to lead the Israeli government into the same trap their predecessors fell into: conducting negotiations with the Palestinians under fire.