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Mofaz: Terrorist Groups Rebuilding During Ceasefire
(Jerusalem Post) Nina Gilbert - Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that PA inaction against terrorist groups poses a "great danger" to Israel, which could find itself facing a "huge wave of terrorism" if the ceasefire ends. Mofaz said Tanzim has not accepted the cease-fire and is being guided by outside forces, including Hizballah and Iran. An IDF officer said 9 Palestinian terrorists on their way to carry out suicide bombings have been apprehended since the ceasefire, 8 from Samaria and 1 from Gaza. IDF Intelligence research chief Brig.-Gen. Yossi Kupperwasser told the committee that wanted terrorists are still "hiding out" in Arafat's Ramallah headquarters.