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In Qusayr, Signs of an Intensifying Holy War
(Wall Street Journal) Sam Dagher - A day after it fell to forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, a four-hour walk in Qusayr revealed the freshest marks of a war that is inflaming Sunnis and Shiites across the region. Rebels fighting here appeared to be under the sway of Jabhat al-Nusra, a Sunni militia that is linked to al-Qaeda: Notices plastered on mosques praised the group's defense of Qusayr. In the main Christian church, scenes of Christ's crucifixion, seen by many Muslims as blasphemous, had been ripped from paintings and altarpieces. On Thursday, Shiite religious chants blared from some of the Hizbullah vehicles roaming Qusayr. Graffiti praising holy Shiite figures believed to be persecuted by rival Sunnis more than 1,300 years ago was scrawled on buildings stormed by Hizbullah fighters.