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Face the Terrorists
(Washington Post) - The fundamental reason Israelis and Palestinians now face another descent into open warfare is the same one that wrecked the Oslo peace process three years ago - the practice of terrorism by Palestinian extremists and the failure of moderate Palestinian leaders to confront it. No peace process is possible while suicide bombers are slaughtering Israeli civilians in the heart of Jerusalem; the current thaw began only because of Mr. Abbas's emergence as a leader committed to ending such crimes. Unless Mr. Abbas can now deliver on that promise, there can be little hope of avoiding the plunge off the cliff. Hamas's return to suicide bombs was inevitable: The idea that a group that aims at the extinction of Israel and exults in the slaughter of small children could be quietly converted into a peaceful political movement, as Mr. Abbas suggested, was a dangerous illusion. The real imperative for action remains, as it has for three years, with the Palestinians. If they will not act against the evil in their midst, the outside world can do little to help them.